With the return of the school season, your attention is understandably focused on the present. Unless your child is in high school, you probably think very little about college. But don’t let the future slip by unnoticed.

We know it might seem far away, but thinking about how you will finance your child’s college education and initiating contributions to a college savings plan sooner rather than later will keep you from being in a stressful financial situation down the road.

Unfortunately, when it comes to college, your kids can’t rely solely on scholarships, grants, and student loans. Even if they get one (or all) of those things, there will likely be leftover expenses.

Establishing a dedicated fund for your children’s education is a reliable pathway to support their journey into successful adulthood without you or them experiencing significant financial strain.

Today, we want to help you out by discussing the importance of saving for your child’s education, the best timeline to start saving, and the best ways to do so without putting a significant dent in your finances.


The Importance of Saving for Your Child’s Education

It’s no secret that the cost of higher education is hefty. What might leave you shocked is just how expensive it is and how much more costly college is expected to be by the time this generation graduates high school.

Recent reports reveal that college expenses have soared by nearly five times the rate of inflation and more than doubled since the 1970s. A comparative analysis shows that Baby Boomers paid approximately $39,780 (in today’s dollars) for a four-year education at a public university. The financial burden on Gen Z, the current generation, has escalated dramatically to a mind blowing $90,875.

Given the doubling of college costs from the 1970s to the present day, we can use this historical context to project a similar trend for tuition expenses. If we apply this doubling to Gen Z’s college expenses of $90,875, we arrive at a potential cost of around $181,750 for their children’s education in today’s dollars.

Keep in mind that these are only tuition estimates for an in-state public university. Go out of state or to a private college, and you are looking at much higher numbers. Additionally, these numbers likely do not consider other expenses such as textbooks, food, and living expenses.

This projection, while speculative, serves as a stark reminder that without a substantial shift in the education funding landscape, the trajectory of these costs is likely to persistently ascend.

Recognizing the weight of this reality, it is important that parents realize that taking proactive measures is not just wise but necessary.

The significance of initiating a dedicated fund for your child’s education should be a priority, even if college is years away. Saving for your child’s education is an investment in their future – a safeguard against the burden of overwhelming student debt and a means to foster a smoother transition into higher education.


When to Start Saving for Your Child’s Education

Like planting a tree, the sooner you start, the stronger the roots grow. Getting a head start on investing in your child’s education as early as possible pays off in the long run. Early planning provides a distinct advantage, allowing your savings to flourish and mature over an extended timeframe.

The concept of compounding interest is at the core of this advantage. Put simply, the interest generated by your initial savings doesn’t just sit idle; it reinvests itself, resulting in a compounding effect. As time progresses, this effect magnifies.

The earlier you embark on this financial journey, the more time your contributions have to multiply, creating a substantial cushion for the future. Just by putting away a small sum every month, you’ll see a big difference when it’s time for your child to head off to college or university.

Don’t wait! Getting an early start sets you and your children up for a smoother educational journey down the road.


Smart Strategies for Financing Your Child’s Education

When it comes to securing your child’s educational future, exploring the right avenues for saving is key, especially if you don’t have much money to set aside or aren’t trying to break the bank.

There are several options worth considering, each with its own set of advantages. Traditional and Roth IRAs, Choice Money Market accounts, and Certificates of Deposits (CDs) are all excellent ways to save for your child’s education. Permanent life insurance policies can also present viable possibilities for funding your child’s education.

But there is one college savings option that stands out as a favorite among most of our customers looking to start small, especially parents aiming to secure their child’s education without undue financial strain, and that is a Youth Savings Account. Designed with the needs of education savers in mind, Youth Savings Accounts offer tailored benefits that align with your financial goals.

The rest of this article is dedicated to Youth Savings Accounts. We will answer FAQs and explain why they are the preferred choice for many savvy parents seeking a smart and sustainable path to financing their child’s education.


What is a Youth Savings Account?

A Youth Savings Account at F&M Bank is a specialized savings account tailored to individuals under the age of 21. It’s a dedicated tool designed to encourage the development of sound financial habits from an early age.

What sets this account apart from regular savings accounts is its emphasis on accommodating the unique needs and aspirations of young savers, as well as the potential benefits it offers.


Key Features and Benefits of a Youth Savings Account

When you take the important step of opening a Youth Savings Account for your child, you’re not just putting aside funds for their education; you’re also giving them a valuable head start on their financial journey.

These accounts come with a range of compelling perks that can make a significant difference in securing your child’s future and teaching them valuable money management lessons.


Competitive Interest Rates

One of the standout features of a Youth Savings Account is the opportunity to earn competitive interest rates on your deposited funds. This means that the money you set aside for your child’s education has the potential to grow over time, adding a valuable boost to your savings efforts.

View current interest rates for our Youth Savings Accounts.


Tax Advantages

Youth Savings Accounts often come with tax advantages, contributing to their appeal for education savings. While specific tax benefits may vary based on local regulations, the potential to accumulate interest and earnings tax-free can significantly bolster your savings strategy.


Specific Age Requirements

To qualify for a Youth Savings Account, your child needs to be under the age of 21. This specific age criterion ensures that the account caters directly to the demographic it aims to serve, aligning with their financial needs and goals.


Teaches Your Child Financial Responsibility

Understanding how to manage money is an important life skill and not something most schools teach. It’s up to parents to instill an understanding of how money works from an early age that creates a solid groundwork for their future financial security.

Sometimes, money stuff can be confusing for kids. But a youth account makes it simpler. It shows them how their money can grow over time. This teaches them that saving money isn’t just about keeping it safe – it’s also about making it grow.


How To Maximize Your Youth Savings Account

Ensuring the financial well-being of your child’s education requires not only choosing the right savings tool but also employing effective strategies to optimize your savings.

Here are some key considerations to make the most of your Youth Savings Account:


Consistent Contributions

Consistency is the cornerstone of effective savings. Regularly contributing to your Youth Savings Account, whether it’s on a monthly or quarterly basis, reinforces the habit of saving and gradually builds up your account balance. Even if the contributions start small, their cumulative impact over time can be substantial.


Gradually Increase Contributions

As your financial situation evolves, consider increasing your contributions whenever possible. By consistently setting aside a higher amount, you expedite the growth of your savings and enhance your preparedness for the future costs of education.


Family and Friends Contribution

An advantageous feature of Youth Savings Accounts is the potential for family members and friends to contribute. On special occasions or as a gesture of support, loved ones can contribute to your child’s education savings, accelerating your progress toward your goal.


Let Your Kids Make Contributions

Involving your child in the savings process can foster financial responsibility from a young age. Encourage them to set aside a portion of their allowance or earnings from part-time jobs. This not only instills valuable money management skills but also reinforces the significance of saving for future needs.


Capitalize on Extra Income

Tax refunds or unexpected bonuses can present excellent opportunities to give your education savings a significant boost. Rather than allocating the entire amount to immediate expenses, consider allocating a portion to your Youth Savings Account to fortify your educational fund.


Leverage Auto-Savings Tools

Many banks offer automatic savings features that enable you to schedule regular transfers from your primary account to your Youth Savings Account. This “set it and forget it” approach ensures that your contributions remain consistent and eliminates the risk of forgetting to save.


Examine Your Spending Habits

We all have spending habits we need to break. Take an honest look at how you can manage your finances better and any unnecessary spending. For example, if you cut out your daily coffee run and make your coffee at home, assuming each trip is around six bucks, you will have saved over 2-thousand dollars by year’s end!


Opening a Youth Savings Account at F&M Bank

At F&M Bank, we recognize the importance of saving to finance your child’s education and nurturing good savings habits from an early age. That’s why we offer a NO FEE Youth Savings Account for individuals under 21 years old.

With a minimum opening balance of just $50, this account provides a hassle-free way to kickstart your child’s educational savings journey. Plus, there’s no service charge, ensuring that you can focus on building a solid foundation for your child’s future without unnecessary financial hurdles.

Contact an F&M branch near you, and let’s get started planning for your child’s financial future!